Thursday, November 20, 2008


I recently read over a friend's blog today and she had a bunch of pics on there. Rachel, if you're reading this, love the pics of your dog! But anyway, it really got me in the mood to post some pics of my own.....too bad I'm so lazy.....:)
But over the weekend, my goal is to post up some pics......when I'm not studying for a geometry exam, reviewing for my Chinese class on Sunday, Doing my art homework for my class Saturdy, or finishing up my 3-page packet for Science that is.
But guess what peoples, I'm on the yearbook staff for my school! Which involved lots of writing, taking pictures, making layouts, completing the actual layout, and deadlines. I'm proud to say that so far, my partner and I have been pretty okay-ish with our deadlines, in fact, we just finished a divider page for today! XD!!!!!!!
But what's really funny is the fact that my partner and I have to constantly go into this one class to take pictures of people and interview them! I'm starting to think the teacher's getting a little annoyed at us.....especially when we crashed their food day and took pics while pigging out! XP ha ha! *Sigh* but what can you do? Duty calls!

Well, I'm willing to bet all the Hershey bars in my house that most people out there who might happen to be reading this right now, are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday!
And if you're not, sucks for you because I don't have any Hershey bars in my house!!!
But that note aside, my parents are hosting this party where a whole bunch of people from all along the east coast...? No wait I guess I shouldn't say that, It's more like just people from Pennsylvania and Maryland are coming over! But nonetheless, my house is still going to be pretty crowded. My mom, the 'perfectionist' is already turning the house eerily neat. Which in some cases, just involve shoving stuff into boxes and then piling them into the basement. Which is one of the reasons why I can't find my pair of UGGS. Which just kinda sucks because as you have noticed, the weather is getting cold! Feet can freeze you know!
So for the people out there who know where your warm shoes are, be lucky and smart and actually wear them before your feet freeze. Believe's not very pleasant...although I've never experienced that, I'm smart enough to know that it is not pleasant!

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