Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sights...and Gross Sights

July 2, 2008

Hi peoples who might be reading this post right now! I just started this blog to keep you guys up to date on my adventures in the fantabulous city of Beijing! So far, I’ve been sightseeing and shopping in the many skyscrapers here. For a girl who grew up in the rural area of Charlottesville, it’s pretty surprising to see so many tall buildings. If you’re the kind of girl who likes shopping like me, next summer, buy a ticket to Beijing! There are more malls than I can keep track of! And, each mall has at least 4 or 5 floors! My grandma jokes that every time she takes me outside, she’s going to have to spend some money. ^ - ^

Of course, lately I’ve also seen a sight that’s not quite as pleasant as the landscape in the park…..or the many stores in the mall…….or the countless rows of food in the restaurants. Haha! But this sight was quite gross in my opinion. Two days ago, while walking my grandpa’s adorable puppy, Hei Li, I looked down while resting and saw that off to the side, was dog diarrhea! GROSS, RIGHT?!?!?! I was about to barf up my lunch! And talking about barf (here’s another gross sight) yesterday, while walking Hei Li (again) I saw a kid about 5 years old toddling next to this really fat guy who was leaning against this lady. You could pretty much tell that the fat guy was drunk. And let me tell you, the lady didn’t look like she could keep supporting him. When, all of a sudden, the guy lurched forward and started puking in the grass. Great…-_- Even the dog wanted to go somewhere else rather than watch July 2, 2008

the drunk guy puke. I have never in my life, seen a fat person puke, not that I’ve seen skinny people puke for that matter.

1 comment:

kupferme said...

Hey Joy! Gross, ew!
How's China???

Miss ya! ^^