Saturday, July 5, 2008

Meet Guests Today, Meet Monks Tommorow

July 5, 2008

Today in China, it is the 5th, but in the USA, it is actually July 4th!!!!!!! And because so, here’s a little message,

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

And for you other folks,

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Unfortunately, Independence Day doesn’t qualify here. So, there’s really not much to talk about today. Except for 2 things.

My mom’s friend took her entire family over here today. That includes her husband and her 21-year-old daughter Zizi(who just came to China after a small surgery on the leg in Canada, where she goes to College) They and my grandparents talked about all sorts of things while Michelle, Zizi, and I went in the other room to talk about school life and our plans for China. This event also led to them having lunch with us. We went to this reseraunt5 min. away from our house. My grandpa had ordered a room on the upper floor, but when we got there, the room was FREEZING COLD!!! The air conditioner had been on since the moment the restaurant opened! But after eating the 10 dishes my grandpa pre-ordered, we were all feeling pretty warm. After a HUGE lunch, we parted on good note and Zizi said that after her leg fully healed, she’d take me and Michelle shopping!

Tomorrow, my aunt is going to take me and Michelle to this old Buddhist temple where a bunch of people go and pray for good measures, and whatever else they do at temples. I’ll find out though, so stay tuned to read more about my ASIAN ADVENTURES!

^ u ^

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