Saturday, December 19, 2009


O my gosh....there's is seriously at LEAST 2 feet of snow outside! That is crazy considering this area is near the much for global warming...or at least that's what a whole bunch of us like the think. I can barely remember the last time we've had so much snow--partly because I was maybe 2 at the time....this "blizzard" is the highlight of my winter break! <3
It's during a snow storm like this that I really want to go out and make a snow man and go sledding until I crash into the bushes (yes it's happened before.) Unfortunately, I'm snowed in...literally. There's 2 feet of snow blocking all exits so pretty much everyone in town is trapped in their house. Thank goodness for internet and cable...
Of course this is also a golden opportunity to spend time with the family :)
An of course to update my blog! I've realized I haven't even looked at this thing in almost a year!
After just watching the movie Julie and Julia, I've become motivated to re-start up this blog.....maybe even turn it into a fashion blog....who knows?